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2007-4-19 19:58| 发布者: anchen| 查看: 325| 评论: 0|原作者: O'ZINE|来自: O'ZINE


[O'ZINE]is a cross-current creative magazine full of energy and personality, which blends elements of photography, graphic design, music and visual communication together. With each issue the magazine will challenge and redefine the communication design philosophy. Layout and the graphic creation of imagery will be the key invention of the magazine and an as fundamental and innovative feature as the content of the magazine which will be both read and viewed as an art piece in its own right. Each issue will be designed by a different artist to create a unique design concept that will be complimented by the work of the interenational contributors and supported by the editorial team to ensure that the high quality of the magazine is maintianed and that it reamins faithful to its discerning readership. The result will be unimagined. The designs and the images will activate the audiences reading nerve, by overthrowing conventional visual definitions, and will create a talented and brave concept. We are ready to be futurists, to raise a revolution in the magazine culture through our powerful visual effects.

[O'ZINE]融入了极端个性的精神力量 是摄影,设计,音乐等多重艺术的载体,他承载了个性美学的能量,他是充满创造力的反潮流传媒。

Is “O’” a symbol? An aggregate of inconsistency and contrast? Is it the end or the beginning? Is it a relentless muzzle of gun or a sexy lip? Maybe you will get more from it, a name full of imaginings and possibilities…
[O'ZINE]is a cross-current counter-culture creative magazine full of energy and personality, which blends elements of photography, graphic design, music and visual communication together.
[O'ZINE] fills a void between books and magazines, with the regularity of magazines and the quality of books. No nonsense and no gossip from critics. No bullshit!! Pure visual imagery to make your brain to imagine freely.
With each issue the magazine will challenge and redefine the communication design philosophy. Each issue will be designed by a different artist to create a unique design concept. The result will be unimagined. Here will be a playground of creation for the magazines supporters.
[O'ZINE] is not fashion, we refuse trends. It is a purely personal mode of direct simplicity!
Lead yourself. You are a self-leader.









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